Laserfiche ECM provides the ability to institute and deploy information management standards throughout the enterprise while giving individual business units tools to customize the system and meet specific needs. With document imaging, document management, business process management , and records management baked into the core system architecture, Laserfiche makes it possible to standardize on a single ECM system – revolutionizing the way information is managed, shared and presented.

Why do Organizations need ECM?

  1. Eliminating the need to copy, transport and store paper documents
  2. Answering Information inquiries faster with direct access to documents
  3. Providing centralized control over information
  4. Safeguard confidential information
  5. Optimizing business processes and simplify strategic planning
  6. Maximizing space available for offices
  7. Simplifying Regulatory Compliance
  8. Archiving documents to storage medias, or publishing them to the web

Laserfiche Product Suite - Foundational technology that creates a central point of control for information assets

  1. Laserfiche Forms
  2. Laserfiche Capture & Imaging
  3. Laserfiche ECM Integrations
  4. Laserfiche Business Process Automation
  5. Laserfiche Document Management System
  6. Laserfiche Security Records Management

Read more about Digital Transformation